Hubert Huh

Member Position:

Hubert Huh

Hubert Huh has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts from the State University. and a Master of Science in Journalism from Yonsei University of Korea. He’s the Principal of the Utah Korean School. He has always had an interest in the community. During his leisure time, he contributes his talents and time by volunteering to serve for several community-based organizations. He’s also the editor and publisher of the Utah Asian Journal.

He has served as the Community Relations Director of the Public Affairs Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Seoul, Korea for the past 20 years. Mr Huh is a 23-year veteran of the US Army. He has completed 15 full course marathons. He is married to Soonhee Cho and they have three children, Matthew, Benjamin and Vivienne. Benjamin is serving in the US army.

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