Intended College/University*
If different from your current institution, please provide the name of the college/university you plan to attend,along with the intended start date.
Field of Study*
Indicate your major or intended major/concentration. If undecided, please note “Undecided.
Cumulative GPA*
Though not strictly required, providing your current GPA helps us understand your academic performance.
Extracurricular & Community Involvement*
Briefly describe your involvement in school clubs, community service, volunteer work, or any leadership roles you’ve held.
Personal Statement or Essay*
In 300-500 words, explain why you are applying for this scholarship, how it will benefit your academic and career goals,
and how you plan to contribute to the ColumbusAEC community and beyond.
Financial Need*
Provide a brief summary of your financial situation and how this scholarship will help cover your educational expenses.
Include any scholarships, grants, or other forms of financial aid you are currently receiving or expect to receive.
(Optional) List up to two references (name, relationship, and contact information) who can speak to your academic
abilities, character, or community involvement.
Additional Comments
(Optional) If there is any other information you would like us to consider, please provide it here.